Wednesday 12 November 2014

90. Paulik Park, Richmond

Charlotte and I came here after daycare to get a geocache and hit the playground.  Only problem was it was dark by the time we got there!  She brandished the flashlight in the dark and announced that it was "fun" - but we never did find the cache.  We got spooked by a muggle who ended up walking with us to the playground along with his dog, Ronno.  The playground was much too big for Charlotte, it was freezing out and it was just a bit of a fail.  I went back the next day to nab the cache though - it was one of the City of Richmond GeoQuest caches and was quite easy to find in the daylight!  The playground is located at N 49.09.498 W123.07.287 and is point no. 90 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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