Wednesday 3 December 2014

94. Dover Park, Richmond

These days, it’s pretty much dark by the time I pick Charlotte up from daycare, but this little park is fairly well lit, so I figured Charlotte could have some fun – and I could collect a geocache afterwards! But it was so cold… Charlotte did a little bit of playing and then I gave her a push on the swings – on the understanding that we would then go and get the geocache, which was only about 60 metres away. But when she had finished on the swings, she reneged on her promise! “I ended up going back for the cache, "CoRGQ #16 – Dover Park" a couple of days later on my lunch break. The playground is located at N 49.10.315 W 123.09.731 and is point no. 94 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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