Saturday 28 March 2015

111. Brickwood Park, Maple Ridge

Today we found ourselves in Maple Ridge, off to visit our friends Andy, Khanh, Avery and Kayden - to celebrate Kayden's first birthday!  We headed out a little early so that we would have time to discover a new playground at Brickwood Park and hopefully unearth the nearby geocache, "Fruit Salad: Lime".  Charlotte played for a while before we went off to find the cache; it was at the bottom of a steep grassy hill and I managed to stay upright while I retrieved the cache, but planted my hands and knees in the mud as I tried to scramble back up the steep, muddy hillside.  Charlotte and Dad did some more playing while mum had a go on the swings and then we were off to the party.  The playground is located at N 49.12.729 W 122.35.966 and is point no. 111 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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