Tuesday 5 May 2015

121. Graham Park, Burnaby

The days are getting to be so nice and long again!  On this Tuesday evening, we headed out after dinner to find my closest unfound cache to home - which just happens to be next to a playground!  "For Grace" is there for a sad reason; Grace was an exchange student from Korea who used to have a cache in this park, one which I found back in July 2011.  She died of leukemia in April 2013.  Her cache is no longer there as the old equipment was recently removed and the new playground installed - and now her homestay family have a tribute cache here for her instead.  We didn't get to look for the cache today; there was a family playing badminton right at ground zero.  The cache is also a four-star difficulty, so will probably require a good, uninterrupted hunt!  But Charlotte had a great time here even without a cache hunt; she especially liked driving the race car.  The playground is located at N 49.13.446 W 122.55.809 and is point no. 121 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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