Sunday 20 September 2015

141. Central Park, Merritt

On our way home from visiting Uncle Andrew and Auntie Lannie in Edson, we stopped in Merritt for some lunch and a chance for Charlotte to run around and stretch her legs.  Although the park had a traditional playground, Charlotte was much more taken with the giant tires, which were big enough that she could hide in them.  They were so huge that when she crawled back inside them, she was completely hidden from view.  Owlie was also able to hide very effectively, but we found him eventually!  Even though we were there in late September, it was still hot like summer in Merritt.  It was a great place for a play before we began the last leg of our journey home.  The playground is located at N 50.07.146 W 120.46.966 and is point no. 141 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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