Saturday 17 October 2015

144. Queenston Park, Coquitlam

How can it be that I didn't take any photographs here at this amazing new playground?  We have been trying to meet up here since the summer with our friends Andy and Khanh and their kids Avery and Kayden, but something has always come.  Finally, today was the day!  It was a nice mild day and the playground was full of kids.  There was so much for the kids to do - little things for little Kayden and bigger things for Charlotte and Avery - and enough that they will continue to be challenged as they grow.  It's a lot like the playground at Garden City with its "foam" steps set into a "foam" hill.  The slide is huge and was a little much for Avery for now, though Charlotte loved it.  They also played on the net that stretched from the top of the hill to the bottom - they really had a blast!  We'll have to go back here again soon, for sure.  The playground is located at N 49.17.869 W 122.45.233 and is point no. 144 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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