Wednesday 19 February 2014

11. Tait Neighbourhood School Park

We paid another visit to a Richmond park after daycare today - it's nice for Charlotte to get some fresh air after being inside all day.  As we got closer to the park, I began to realize that the playground is geared towards bigger kids - in fact, there was a sign that indicated that it was for kids aged 5-12!  The swings were all for big kids and so I wasn't sure that we would find anything Charlotte-friendly.  But we did!

She needed a little help to climb the steep steps up to the top of the slide, but I was right behind her.  A double slide!  Charlotte had me sit on the right side while she took the left - every single time.  We held hands, wiggled forward, and whee!  My white skirt was good for nothing but the laundry afterwards, but we both had a ton of fun going down the slide together.  We did it over and over again until we were both cold and ready for home.  Charlotte found a nice stick to take home for Theo and this playground is now on our list of ones to return to when she's older - or the next time we want to experience the fun of the awesome double slide!

Given that this is an elementary school, there are no geocaches nearby.  The park is located at N 49 11.781 W123.06.729:

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