Saturday 8 February 2014

7. Nacht Park, Coquitlam

What a lovely little neighbourhood park we discovered today in Coquitlam!  I was envious of the people in the house next door - how amazing it would be have this little playground in your back yard.  It had a little slide that Charlotte was brave enough to try - but only once as she landed with a bit more of a bump than she would have liked - and a big slide, which she also tried to climb, but which is definitely going to have to wait until she's a bit older.  The house next door had bird feeders up and we were serenaded by chickadees the entire time we were there.  No one else was in the park, so Theo was free to roam and he enjoyed himself as much as we did.

The only disappointment was that we missed out on a geocache just a couple of hundred metres away!  I just didn't realize that there was a cache there to look for.  There is also another cache even closer to the playground that I had found before - but that was almost three years ago and I doubted I would be able to find it again without the coordinates.  So we will have to be back for "Skylanders Rock" for both of us and the letter "Y" in the "Tongue Twister" series for Charlotte.  The 26 caches in this series are all located near playgrounds, so we should definitely check those out!

We had some bad luck as we were leaving - we were waiting to get onto the Mary Hill Bypass when we were struck from behind by another car.  Fortunately the impact was minimal and none of us were hurt at all, but it doesn't take much to mangle a bumper and so we got a pretty big dent out of it.  At least we're all okay and ready to play another day!  The playground is located at N 49.14.876 W 122.47.168:

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