Saturday 11 April 2015

113. Eastburn Park, Burnaby

A geocache called "Eastburn Park" had made its way to the top of my "closest unfound cache to home" list, so I was anxious to go by and make the find.  Today was a bit chilly, but it was a nice day for the playground that was just a few metres away from where the cache was hidden.  The cache was soon in hand and then we were free to play!  There were no other kids around today, but Charlotte and I had fun anyway.  She would climb the stairs, I would help her across the zip line, she would climb some more and take the big slide down to the ground again before running off to do it all over again.  They even had an old-school seesaw and Charlotte had fun running back and forth across it - holding my hand of course!  The playground is located at N 49.13.307 W 122.55.738 and is point no. 113 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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