Monday 27 April 2015

119. Arborlynn Park, North Vancouver

This playground has been on our list for a long time - it has a geocache in it that starts with "A.  Now that we have almost completed the 122 Degree Challenge, we are looking for a new challenge to work on and right now, that's "The A Challenge".  Grandad just got back from Boston, so Charlotte went all tough in her "Boston Strong" t-shirt and played on her own while I grabbed the cache.  A family of four rode up on their bikes and Charlotte tried to play with the kids, but none of them (including the adults) seemed to know how to respond to "Do you want to play with me?" and they all just seemed uncomfortable.  I'm proud of my girl for being as outgoing as she is and I hope she never stops trying to get the other kids to play with her.  The playground is located at N49.19.259 W 123.02.035 and is point no. 119 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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