Thursday 16 June 2016

160. Mary Avenue Park, Burnaby

We have no photos from this playground, but that's okay as it wasn't a particularly memorable one anyway.  And if it was memorable, it was for the wrong reasons.  When we first arrived, we were the only ones there, but eventually a couple of brothers showed up.  They weren't interested in playing with Charlotte at all, despite her overtures.  The playground is right next door to a school and at 3 p.m., the bell rang and the kids came pouring out.  Many of them stayed to play, but they were all much older than Charlotte and all knew each other, so no one was interested in playing with her.  In fact, one kid went out of his way to tell her she was too small to play with them and another got in trouble with her dad for pushing past her on the playground.  We decided to chalk it up to experience and went home to make popsicles instead!  The playground is located at N 49.13.009 / 122.56.127 and is point no. 160 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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