Tuesday 20 May 2014

34. King George Park, Richmond

I made a bit of a mistake today! I had physio this evening, but I thought we had time for a playground visit that didn't take us too far off our route home. We were delayed at daycare for a long time though – lately Charlotte has taken to wanting “hugs first” before she gets into her car seat. This does not mean a quick hug and she jumps into her seat – it means a long cuddle while we chat about her day and even the promise of a playground will not speed her up. Not that I want to speed her up really as it's very nice to have such cuddles, but they do cut into our playground time! I should probably have skipped the playground this time around, but I had promised...
King George Park is quite a large park in Richmond – big enough to have tennis courts and other amenities and playgrounds at both ends of it. We hit the west one – just because there was parking close by. The waterpark was going at full tilt, but I managed to divert Charlotte around that for today. She climbed on the playground for a bit and then... a diaper change was in order. Stat. So I had to convince her to return to the car with me, and that didn't go over so well. By the time it was all done, we really didn't have time to go back and play some more, and that was that. She cried and cried and cried and we made it home just in time for her to go to our neighbour's place while I zoomed off to physio. We will have to make a return visit – we didn't get to check out all of the west playground, never mind the east. We'll go back on another hot day when we're more equipped for the water park! We also might need to plant a geocache here since the park, amazingly, has none of its own. The playground is located at N 49.10.976 W 123.05.365: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=z7IAXiVD2wGY.ke14vi-3MYtI&pli=1

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