Tuesday 27 May 2014

36. Ebisu Park, Vancouver

On another warm afternoon after daycare and work, we headed out to another playground.  Ebisu Park is just over the Arthur Laing bridge in Marpole, and, coincidentally, happens to bear the same name as my new favourite sushi place in Richmond!  We hoped to grab a cache first, but there was someone sitting right where we needed to look, so we headed into the other half of the park (it's split in two by an alleyway) and Charlotte got playing.  She quite liked a little section of the playground that she claimed as her house and was soon picking daisies to decorate it.  As she played, I noticed something strange - despite the fact that there were several kids at the playground, the whole place was pretty quiet.  Why were these kids not running around and shouting and laughing?!?  How can a playground be such a quiet zone?  We often find ourselves either alone or with just one or two other kids at a playground, but it occurred to me that even when there are more kids than that, it's still pretty quiet.
We got our geocache on the way out - "Gotta Feel For It".  It's quite a tricky one with a three-star difficulty, but we were lucky and found it quite quickly.  The park is located at N 49.12.323 W123.07.964: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=z7IAXiVD2wGY.ke14vi-3MYtI&pli=1

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