55. Mackin Park, Coquitlam
Another scorcher! Charlotte and I did our grocery shopping in the morning before it got too hot, then headed to nearby Mackin Park to check out the playground. It's a big park and we often drive past it on the south side - from there, there's nothing to see but playing fields and I never knew until recently that the park also has a playground - and a spray park too. There was no one there when we got there, so I got the water going - but Charlotte was not impressed. I ran around amongst the sprinklers, but Charlotte couldn't be persuaded to come and play. Then a strong one suddenly turned on with me right in front of it and Charlotte was amused, but even less inclined to join in!
The playground was just adjacent to the spray park though, so we went down there to play for a bit instead. Charlotte had a new ambulance that she had just bought at the grocery store and she played with that while I once again did my best to find some nice cool shade. This heat wave is not okay with me! The cache in the park is disabled at the moment, though there are three others just outside the park. I have two of them already, but Charlotte just has the one at the Dairy Queen - we'll be back for the others! The cache is located at N 49.14.257 W 122.51.789 and is point 55 on the map at the bottom of home page.
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