61. YVR Domestic Terminal, Richmond

We found an indoor playground on today's post-daycare outing to the airport. This was great, because our pace has slowed down lately and we are not currently on track to hit 101 by year's end. Ironically we have been hitting fewer playgrounds in the summer than we did in the winter or spring - it's been way too hot lately! We took the Canada Line to the airport, which was an adventure in itself as Charlotte got to sit right at the front and pretend to be the driver. The playground wasn't much to write home about, but Charlotte played there for a bit before we went upstairs to the observation deck to watch the planes coming and going. We ate pizza while we watched fuel trucks and baggage trucks weave amongst the planes parked at the gates below us. On our way back to the Canada Line station, Charlotte told everyone in the elevator about her pizza. We bumped into a former co-worker of mine; it was all a little strange since rather than talk to each other, she called one of our other former co-workers to tell him she had seen me - right when I was still there. And then she went on her way again! There wasn't really much to tell him in the end then, was there? Clearly, there are no geocaches here - the first person to look for it would end up with airport security! There is a good airport-themed puzzle cache that has it's coordinates at the airport though - found ages ago at nearby Iona Beach! I couldn't take a GPS reading here and it's kind of hard to pinpoint it on the map, but I've done my best and it's no. 61 at the bottom of the page.
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