Thursday 17 July 2014

57. Killarney Park, Vancouver

Every Thursday afternoon on our way from Richmond to North Vancouver, we drive past Killarney Park and Charlotte shouts "There's a playground, mum!"  I've kept it in mind for one of these Thursdays - and today was the day!  Although it's right next to Kerr Street, it's a bit difficult to get to - we drove all the way around the block to park at the nearby community centre, then walked over to the playground.  It was quite disappointing though, because it was definitely geared towards older kids - Charlotte couldn't even begin to try to climb up on it.  She did have a bit of a go on the swings though, and she did have fun playing with Owlie.  We practiced balancing like tight rope walkers on the wooden beam that surrounded the playground and we just made the best of it.  There was a pair of twin boys about ten-months-old playing in the sand underneath the climbing frame, getting dirty and had a great time while their mum watched from the grass nearby, letting them do their thing.  She was great - made me feel like there is hope that helicoptering is starting to crash and burn!  There is a geocache called "Killarney Park" in the northwest corner of the park - I had found it a long time ago though.  The playground is located at N 49.13.634 W 123.02.525 and is point no. 57 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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