Thursday 12 February 2015

104. Cannon Beach Playground, Cannon Beach, Oregon

We have all been so sick lately that playground visits have been in short supply.  We have re-visited one or two favourites lately, but mostly we have been languishing at home, trying to shake our sniffles and coughs while watching "Paw Patrol".  This week though, we are on vacation in Cannon Beach and though the sniffles have followed us down to Oregon, the weather was beautiful and just perfect for a visit to the local playground in between our beach explorations.  The playground was just a couple of blocks from our motel and it was a decent playground with a high climbing mountain - which Charlotte scaled with no problem whatsoever!  It's amazing how quickly she can go from needing help with something to being completely independent.  After we had finished working up an appetite at the playground, we set off to find the nearby geocache, "Cannonfloria plasticus" and then for lunch at the Lumberyard.  After that, it was back to the motel for more sniffle-nursing, at least for me!  The playground is located at N 45.53.942 W 123.57.579 and is point no. 104 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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