Saturday 21 February 2015

107. Kilmer Park, Blaine, Washington

Our geocaching day came to an end relatively early as Mr. ClueFinders had a long drive back to Seattle ahead of him.  So when Charlotte asked me if we could go to the playground after we dropped our friend back at his car, I saw no reason why we shouldn't, though the sun was starting to set.  We met a boy named Kason and his dad at the playground; we chatted with them for a bit before they had to go, attempting to hop a fence and cross private property on their way back to grandma's house!  Charlotte had fun playing on the rocking frog and playing with a ball that she had found.  We played until we were too cold and hungry to play any more, and then we headed off to find our dinner.  The playground is located at N 48.59.998 W 122.44.519 and is point no. 107 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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