Saturday 14 February 2015

105. Tumwater Falls Park, Tumwater, Washington

We stopped off on our way home from Oregon to find a geocache that started with "Z" for a challenge I'm working on.  The cache had been muggled, but it almost didn't matter because we re-discovered this beautiful park.  Pete and I realized we had been here before in 2010, when we had found another geocache here.  We explored the area around the waterfalls and maybe one day we will have chance to explore the trails that run beside the Deschutes River.

As we walked back to the car, we stopped off at the little playground.  It wasn't a typical swings-and-slides playground, but it had two boats to climb and play on.  There were a few other kids there too and one of the girls gave Charlotte a little bottle of bubbles, which thrilled her to bits, of course.  The playground is located at N 47.00.832 W 122.54.294 and is point no. 105 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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