Friday 7 March 2014

13. Terra Nova Neighbourhood Park, Richmond

We made plans to meet up with auntie Eva, Alex and Nika at their local park after daycare today.  I took lots of photos of the three kids - only to later realize that there was no memory card in the camera.  The photos lurk within the internal memory of the camera, but I don't have the right cable to retrieve them.  Maybe one day!

This is a great park for kids of all ages - we've been here several times before.  There is an elementary school right next to the playground, so there are structures for big kids as well as for little ones.  One of the slides here is not just a double slide, but a triple!  The kids played for ages while Eva and I chatted and caught up with each other.

There are no geocaches in the park due to the proximity of the elementary school, but there are lots nearby in the Terra Nova Rural Park and along the dyke.  Today, there was a huge flock of Snow Geese in residence - they are often here for a few days in the spring and fall.  The park is located at N 49.10.225 W 123.11.180:

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