Tuesday 11 March 2014

15. South Arm Park, Richmond

The weather just keeps on getting better and better!  It was sunny and warm for this afternoon's post-daycare adventure in South Arm Park.  These are my old stomping grounds; I used to live in an apartment complex on the far side of the park and have ridden my bike through here many a time.  Back then, I had no reason to pay much attention to the playground, but it's a really good one - one of the best we've visited so far.  We didn't even have chance to explore everything, despite staying for over an hour.  We were so busy driving the train and playing on the swings that we didn't even have time to explore the old castle!
Charlotte did lots of climbing here - she became really good at pulling herself up on the "block steps".  The last step ws pretty tricky as it was not directly aligned with the opening onto the landing, so she had to pull herself up and around to get where she was going.  She couldn't manage it at first, but after a few tries, she was negotiating the steps like a pro.

There have been geocaches in this park in the past, but there are no active caches at the moment.  It's not a very cache-friendly park with its many muggles and wide-open spaces - but surely a cache could survive somewhere here?!?  I think Charlotte and I will have to plant a cache of our own when we come back to explore that old castle!

The park is located at N 49.08.382 W 123.07.413: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?hl=en&authuser=0&mid=z7IAXiVD2wGY.ke14vi-3MYtI

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