Thursday 27 March 2014

18. Old Schoolhouse Park, New Westminster

Over the last couple of weeks, we've had some bad weather that has kept us away from the playgrounds - and some weather so good that we made the most of it by going out caching and exploring Reifel with our friends.  It was high time that we hit another playground, and this Thursday evening, we headed out after supper to check out Old Schoolhouse Park.  We were actually scouting it as a location for Charlotte's birthday party, but it was a little bit disappointing as it doesn't offer much for the smaller kids, other than the swings.  As you can see, Charlotte quite enjoyed the bike rack!

Before we played, we walked along the perimeter of the park, collecting information from five signs on five pieces of exercise equipment - there is a multi cache hidden in this park that neither of us had yet!  The next day, I did the calculations necessary to work out the final coordinates and after work and daycare, we took advantage of a little break in the weather to go and find the cache.  The calculations were correct and we easily found "More Fun Than School".  The park takes its name from the fact that there used to be a school on this site - this must have been quite some time ago as I only ever remember it being a wasteland.  It actually used to be quite an eyesore, so this is a big improvement.  The playground may be a little big for Charlotte for now, but we look forward to coming back on a hot day in the summer to try out the little mini waterpark!  The cache is located at N 49.11.482 W 122.56.012:

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