Tuesday 18 March 2014

17. Riverfront Park, Vancouver

It wasn't a very nice afternoon for a playground visit - in fact, it almost didn't happen at all.  But we had a bit of a break in the weather and we stopped off at Riverfront Park - we scored both a playground and a geocache in one go!  The playground was pretty small with just two swings, one for little kids and one for big ones.  Charlotte loved it when I was in the swing next to her - we got ourselves in sync and held hands as we swung back and forth, much to her amusement.  She had fun climbing too - the aluminium slide was pretty cool because it was VERY NOISY!
It was all I could do to convince her to come with me to look for a geocache just 50 metres or so away, though she got into it once we started looking for the cache.  It was called Serving It Up - a reference to the nearby tennis court and Charlotte was happy to help find it.  The coordinates for a puzzle cache are also just a few metres away - but where the final cache can be found is another story!

Charlotte enjoyed watching the tugboats go by and there were lots of puppies to pat too.  There is a picnic shelter and bathrooms close by - it's a nice little park, or it would have been for us if it hadn't been so very cold!  The park is located at N 49.12.339 W 123.03.067:  https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?hl=en&authuser=0&mid=z7IAXiVD2wGY.ke14vi-3MYtI

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