I have been saving Ash Park for a while
– it is perfectly situated for a post-playground trip to Denny's
and who better to join us on such an adventure than our friends Paula
and Gabi! We met in the afternoon after work and daycare and the
girls, Doggie and Owlie all had a great time tearing around the
playground. Charlotte fell off some bouncy stepping stones and
needed to be rescued, but other than that a good time was had by all!
The girls were into the merry-go-round, the same type of cumbersome,
safe-as-houses merry-go-round we had encountered recently in
Chilliwack. “Faster!” shouted Charlotte. “It doesn't go any
faster!” shouted mum.

We set off for Denny's afterwards. As
the crow flies, it's just a couple of hundred metres away – there
was no point getting in the car. Paula drove though, but she has
good reason to do so as she is not too far away from her due date
with her second. Gabi came with Charlotte and I and insisted on
pushing the stroller. It was slow going as she bumped into the grass
verge on either side of the sidewalk and absolutely refused my help
in straightening out again. We walked the block to Marine Drive and
there was our destination in front of us – across six lanes of rush
hour traffic. So near and yet so far – there was no safe way of
crossing with a stroller and two small kids in tow. We walked to the
nearest crosswalk, the stroller zig-zagging all the way. We managed
to cross, and then we zig-zagged all the way back again, bumping into
bushes this time, much to Charlotte's annoyance. Gabi will be very good at pushing the stroller by the time she's a big sister though! There is no geocache in this park - Charlotte and I may have to rectify that. The park is located at N 49.12.653
W 123.07.205:
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