Saturday 14 June 2014

44. Cape Horn Tot Lot, Coquitlam

What a rainy day!  We went out to Alouette Lake in Maple Ridge this morning after Theo's vet appointment, and though we had a break in the weather to throw a few stones in the water, it was pouring as we arrived and pouring again as we left, so we didn't hit up any playgrounds out there, even though we passed a very nice looking one that we'll have to go back to on a nicer day.  But as we got back closer to home, we had another break in the weather and we used it to pick up a cache at the Cape Horn Tot Lot.  Coquitlam has lots of these little "tot lots" - just small playgrounds with equipment for the littlest kids.  We should hit these up before Charlotte outgrows them...  We grabbed the cache first, "Cape Horn", a little green bison tube that we were able to find quickly.  Charlotte wasn't interested in the cache this time though - she was off down the steps to the playground.  Unfortunately, everything was soaking wet and Charlotte wasn't much into it.  She did a little climbing and then the rain started up again.  We hurried home to have some supper and head to the swimming pool; it was that kind of day.  The park is located at N 49.14.138 W 122.49.587:

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