We weren't planning on coming to Gordon Park today. I had entered the
co-ordinates for Sunset Park into my GPS and intended to go there, collecting a
geocache along the way. I knew the general area where I was heading, so
couldn't understand why Paddy (my GPS!) was pointing me elsewhere. Soon enough,
I realized I must have entered the co-ordinates incorrectly and I wasn't sure
enough of the location of Sunset Park to find it otherwise, so we ended up at
this park that we had spotted last week on our way to Maywood Park. Charlotte had a
nice time here; the taller climbing frame was a little daunting for her and she
insisted on holding my hand across the wobbly bridge and down the slide, but she
was okay on her own on the small one. Not long before I was thinking of getting
ready to leave, a little girl who seemed very close to Charlotte in age showed
up along with her mum and dad. It would have been so nice for them to have the
chance to play, but Clara's parents micro-managed every movement she made,
instructing her where to play instead of allowing her to explore on her own -
and to have the opportunity to perhaps make a new friend on her own. Sometimes
these playground expeditions are very disappointing... The park has no
geocaches in it - there are more of these cacheless parks around than I had
realized! Though I expect that many of them have multi and puzzle cache finals
in them. The playground is located at N 49.13.409 W 123.04.287:
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