Wednesday 11 June 2014

43. Maywood Park, Burnaby

This is just a small park, out of our way on the way home from Richmond, but not too far from home. There were lots of kids playing when we arrived and Charlotte enjoyed climbing and sliding, as usual. The igloo was cool (no pun intended!), but Charlotte wasn't up for attempting to climb it. Which was just as well as a half-eaten ice cream was dripping from the top of it! Charlotte invited me to her “house” and I went for a visit. On the wall were some “cave drawings” - a puzzle in English, French and Spanish. Charlotte didn't have the best time here as there were some big boys who were playing pretty rough – one of them accidentally kicked her in the head as he went running by. I asked Charlotte if she wanted to go find the geocache instead, and to my delight, she said “yes”! So off we went to find “mayday” and Charlotte loved climbing around in the bushes and then going through the swag in the cache. We picked some flowers and had a good time! The park is located at N 49.13.468 123.00.443:

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