Sunday 5 October 2014

75. Myrtle Park, North Vancouver

We headed over to North Van today to see nana and grandad, but first we decided to check out a playground on this lovely fall day. Before we went to the playground, we tried to find the nearest geocache, Yertle the Myrtle Turtle, but our geo-senses were not sharp today and we couldn't come up with the goods. There are a couple of other caches in this large park, but Charlotte was ready to go to the playground by the time we gave up on Yertle. She had a good time here and managed a couple of new things. There was a curved ladder shaped like a roller coaster that she began to tackle and a “climbing mountain” that she managed to get up all by herself, using the little ledges for her hands and feet as she pulled herself up. She wanted me behind her because she climbed pretty high, but I was just there for reassurance and she didn't need my help at all. She also did a great job of balancing along a sort of net made out of chains – repeatedly!  Then she got her hands on my camera and she lost all interest in the playground - she seems to be quite the budding photographer these days!  We were having so much fun at the playground that I forgot to take a waypoint, but it's point no. 75 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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