The weather this weekend was supposed
to be terrible, so when the sun came out late this morning, Charlotte
and I seized the opportunity to go out to play. We chose this
playground because it's not too far from the Superstore, which we can
save for when it starts to rain again! Everything at the playground
was wet, but the damp weather was keeping other people away and Theo
was able to roam while Charlotte played. She took on the “climbing
mountain” repeatedly – up and down, with her shoes squeaking on
the wet plastic with every step she took! We played on the balance
steps and then we just sat on a dry patch of wood beneath a tree to
watch the crows and squirrels playing on the grass. Charlotte was
thrilled that if we were quiet, they would come closer to us and
before we left, she left a little nut in a place where the squirrels
would find it. The playground is located at N 49.14.539 W
122.52.561 and is point #78 on the map at the bottom of home page.
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