Sunday 12 October 2014

79. Redwood Park, Surrey

We went out to visit tío Gerardo, tía Gaby, Matías y Anna this weekend – we had asked them to take us to one or two of their favourite playgrounds in their area. We started off at Redwood Park – because it had the most geocaches in it and Matias was pretty excited to go find one! Charlotte had just woken up when we arrived at the park and was in need of some lunch, so we got off to a bit of a slow start, but once she got onto the merry-go-round, there was no stopping her! The kids all rode while the adults pushed, but we soon got pretty tired – or more to the point, we got dizzy!  Afterwards, we set off to find “Redwood Reading Room”, which was a nice big ammo can with lots of things in it, including some books. Matias was thrilled to have found it! Our plans to check out a second playground today fell through due to tired kids and iffy weather, but that just means that we will go back and play with our friends again one day soon! The playground is located at N 49.02.148 W 122.43.563 and is point #79 on the map at the bottom of home page.


  1. ¡Cada vez más cerca de cumplir el objetivo, Helen! Los parques son preciosos, cada uno tiene su encanto y las fotos de Charlotte ... ¡es una niña muy dulce!
    La foto de Charlotte en la hamaca/columpio con el fondo de hojas doradas es decididamente mi favorita. Besos.

    1. Gracias amiga! Tengo miedo que no vamos a cumplir 101 - la lluvia empieza y los días se están acortando... Pero tratamos todavía!
