Sunday 19 October 2014

81. Norquay Park, Burnaby

I knew there was a park around here somewhere...  We drove along Kingsway until we spotted it - "There's a playground, there's a playground!" cried Charlotte.  As soon as we arrived, one of the kids asked Charlotte if she wanted to play hide-and-seek with him.  Of course she did!  Unfortunately, she wanted me along at all times while she did her seeking, but I did manage to hang back a little bit.  The kid really latched on to her and they built sandcastles together for a bit too.  Charlotte had a lot of fun on the slide and was able to do without me for quite a while to climb and slide with the other kids.  She needed my help for balancing and jumping off things though - and then it was time to go.  Oh the tears!  She melts down so rarely now when it's time to leave the playground, but this one was epic and took a long time to subside.  Does she not know that the end of the year is quickly approaching and we still have 20 playgrounds left to visit?!?  She really needn't worry that we won't be back at a playground again very soon!  The park is located at N 49.14.266  W 123.03.069 and is point #81 on the map at the bottom of home page.

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