Sunday 28 December 2014

101. 59th Street Public Park, Seattle, Washington

What a way to finish off our year in playgrounds!  I had found this great playground right next to the zoo and was so excited to take Charlotte there to play before we went in to see the animals.  But last night, Charlotte had been looking like she was coming down with a cold and by the time we got to the playground, she was not feeling herself at all.  She didn't want to do anything without me holding her hand and then she just found a spot to sit and slump in a corner like a sullen teenager.  She wouldn't even let me take her photo.  She didn't perk up much even for the zoo animals, though she did do some building in the Zoomazium, which is where the photo is from.  I couldn't let my 101st post go by without some kind of photo!  She quietly ate her picnic lunch and then I asked her if she would like to see the giraffes - those were her favourites and she was looking forward to seeing them.  Well, she was asleep by the time we got there; I picked her up to show them to her and she woke up just long enough to give them a wave before she fell back to sleep.  So much for the playground, so much for the zoo, but we did manage to find one geocache within the zoo, "Caution: Children at Play".  The playground is located at N 47.40.282 W 122.21.14 - which also happens to be the posted coordinates of a puzzle cache that I couldn't solve!  The playground is no. 101 on the map at the bottom of home page.

And so we did it!  We've had a great time visiting 101 playgrounds, but there are so many more to go, even within walking distance of our house.  I think we'll keep up our blog - but maybe we'll slow down the pace a bit and maybe even visit a few repeat playgrounds that are worthy of a return visit!  Thanks for reading along with us.

Saturday 27 December 2014

100. Thornton A. Sullivan Park, Everett, Washington

After Christmas and Boxing Day at home, we headed down to Edmonds to see our friends "TheClueFinders" and to attend their party on Saturday night and go to the zoo the next day.  It had been raining on and off during most of our drive down as far as Everett, but as we got further south, we could see some sunshine ahead of us and I thought we were in for a nice break at a playground I had googled beforehand.  It wasn't raining when I pulled into the parking lot - but it began to pour before I had even had time to get Charlotte out of her carseat!  Still, Charlotte needed a break and there are still two playgrounds to go by the end of the year, so she donned her Muddy Buddies and off we went.  Her Muddy Buddies were noted by a family who had just moved to the area from Texas and were still learning how to cope with the rain!

We had a good time on the playground in spite of the rain, then we went to find a nearby geocache "Silver Lake View".  The playground is on the southwest shore of Silver Lake, which was chock full of birds today - a huge flock of coots, some huge cormorants, and a handful of buffleheads.  We found the cache without too much difficulty - and no wonder, since I had actually found it before, back in June 2011, on a caching mission with Mr. ClueFinders!  I had realized that I had been here before as soon as we pulled up in the parking lot, but I hadn't realized that I was after the exact same cache!  At least Blackford Girl got a new cache for her stats.  We left the playground still in the pouring rain - and wouldn't you know it, the sun came out about ten minutes later further down the highway.  The playground is located at N 47.53.611 W 122.12.877 and is point no. 100 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

99. Sullivan Park, New Westminster

I have been "saving" this hidden playground, in walking distance from our apartment, and I finally got to use it today.  I had worked in the morning and had the afternoon off - but by the time I got home, I did not want to tackle Christmas Eve traffic and there were only a couple of hours of daylight left.  I have always called this park "Secret Park", Mya and Addy call it "Oliver Park" because it's at the foot of Oliver Street, but it's real name is Sullivan Park.  I don't think I can bring myself to call it by its real name though!  In fact, I have known the real name of this park for a while because its geocache is called "Sullivan Park" - but I had forgotten all about that.  Charlotte had found this cache when she was about six-weeks-old; I remember that day well because I had showered, put on clean clothes and had Charlotte recently-fed and freshly diapered all at the same time! 

Everyone had a great time here today - Theo played with another Golden Retriever named Senator for a while and after Senator left, a Goldie named Casey showed up too!  Charlotte played in the sand more than anything else and I just enjoyed the sunshine - it was warm like spring today.  We left as the sun was starting to slide down towards the horizon, stopping to pick up one last thing that we needed for Christmas as we went.  The playground is located at N 49.12.736 W 122.12.877 and is point no. 99 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 14 December 2014

98. Como Lake Park, Coquitlam

On another beautiful, sunny afternoon, we headed to Como Lake Park.  The playground equipment here wasn't terribly exciting, but it was in a beautiful location, right on the shore of this small lake in Coquitlam.  We went for a little walk out to the nearby dock, where people had fishing lines set up.  I don't know what they were fishing for though!  A woman who was fishing had allowed her son to play at the playground; he had a go on the swings at the same time as Charlotte.  When I gave her her usual two-minute time-to-go warning, he piped up with "how about three?!?"  So I laughed and gave her three minutes - it's not like these minutes are very precise anyway!  Each time I counted down, he tried to negotiate an extra minute of playtime - it was pretty cute.  There is a geocache nearby, but Charlotte wasn't into it today and we had lots of things to do with Christmas coming up!  The playground is located at N 49.15.631 W 122.51.409 and is point no. 98 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 13 December 2014

97. Dawes Hill Park, Coquitlam

We have been very lucky with the weekend weather lately! Today was another beautiful day and not too cold, considering that we are closing in on the end of the year. We chose Dawes Hill Park today because it's not too far from the Superstore, where we went grocery shopping afterwards. I missed the park at first and drove right past it, noticing what I thought to be an adult riding high on one of the swings. When we got ourselves turned around and sorted out, he was still there. He was younger than I had realized, but much older than most kids who play on the swings! He kept going the whole time that Charlotte was playing; he was worried about Theo because he didn't want to kick him by accident, but otherwise, he just kept on swinging. When Charlotte went over for a turn on the swings, we started talking to him. He told me he was fifteen and lived nearby – and he just likes swinging. He told me he had been there for five hours and he may well have been! I asked him if he was going for a world record and his face lit up – he seemed to think that was a very good idea! I don't know if making small talk with me was too much for him, but he said he was going home, jumped off the swing, and left. I felt badly – I hope we didn't chase him away. Charlotte had some more fun on the playground, tackling the climbing mountain and the ladders with aplomb. There is a geocache nearby called “Bugs on the Hill” that has been around since 2005. I had originally found it in 2006, so didn't have it in my GPS for Charlotte to find. There is a great view of the bridge deck of the new Port Mann from here – it's a pretty nice park. The playground is located at N 49.14.175 W 122.50.002 and is point no. 97 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 7 December 2014

96. McLean Park, Richmond

After visiting the playground at the community centre, we headed over to McLean Park, where the ERT series begins. I had found “ERT01” back in the winter of 2011 when I was pregnant, so technically Charlotte had been along for the ride - but she wasn’t yet Blackford Girl!


We had a lot of fun at this playground; Theo was free to play and Charlotte played hide-and-seek with Owlie. He hid in various nooks and crannies around the playground and I called out “warmer, warmer!” as Charlotte got closer. I think she was figuring out the concept!

We were there for a long time, but as we started going back to the car afterwards, Charlotte did something very out-of-character. She took off across the huge, open grass field – and at first I let her go, allowing her to explore. But before long, she was further away from me than I liked and I shouted after her to stop. Continuing with her out-of-character break from reality, she ignored me – and kept going! If she kept going like that, she’d be able to get to Westminster Highway before I could get to her, so off after her I went. She had crossed the waterlogged field in her waterproof purple boots – I crossed it in useless little black shoes and my feet were soaked and freezing long before I even got to her. Yes, there was a little bit of trouble! At least Theo had gone with her. We walked back to the car along the path, which took us past the playground again. And there was Theo’s leash – so I would have left it behind if Charlotte hadn’t staged her little escapade. But I still didn’t thank her for putting an end to my plans for the rest of the day and for making me go home to get out of my wet shoes! The playground is located at N 49.10.329 W 122.58.391 and is point no. 96 on the map at the bottom of home page.

95. Hamilton Community Centre, Richmond

Today was a beautiful sunny day – and much warmer than we’ve been used to lately. It has been unseasonably cold – and today it was unseasonably warm. In fact, it felt a lot like spring! We made the most of it and visited a couple of playgrounds today. We visited this one first and it was a lot of fun as Theo got to play with us. Charlotte was extremely proud of herself when she climbed an arched climbing wall all by herself, using alphabet-shaped grips to pull herself up. She then took the slide back to the ground again, where Theo was waiting for her to come and play with him. The community centre and Hamilton Elementary School both share the same building; we were on the big kids’ playground, but there was a smaller one that we may need to check out one day that doesn’t look too small for Charlotte. There are lots of geocaches nearby as the ERT (East Richmond Tour) series goes by here, some of which we have, some of which we don’t. We have a DNF on the closest one to the playground, so we didn’t bother humiliating ourselves with another attempt at it today! The playground is located at N 49.10.578 W 122.57.941 and is point no. 95 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

94. Dover Park, Richmond

These days, it’s pretty much dark by the time I pick Charlotte up from daycare, but this little park is fairly well lit, so I figured Charlotte could have some fun – and I could collect a geocache afterwards! But it was so cold… Charlotte did a little bit of playing and then I gave her a push on the swings – on the understanding that we would then go and get the geocache, which was only about 60 metres away. But when she had finished on the swings, she reneged on her promise! “I ended up going back for the cache, "CoRGQ #16 – Dover Park" a couple of days later on my lunch break. The playground is located at N 49.10.315 W 123.09.731 and is point no. 94 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 23 November 2014

93. Herbert Spencer Elementary, New Westminster

Since this will one day be Charlotte's school, I figured we should make sure that the playground features in our blog!  Theo was disappointed that he wasn't allowed on school grounds, so he waited for us patiently while we went to play.  There are actually four playgrounds in one here, so there was something for all ages and abilities.  We even found the elusive purple playground here!  There were lots of kids playing, but most of them were older and not much interested in Charlotte.  A girl a little younger than Charlotte did come by and Charlotte showed her and her mum where to find the steering wheel so that they could drive the ship, but the mum was a bit of a helicopter and that was the end of that before it even began.  The playground is located at N 49.13.072 W 122.54.771 and is point no. 93 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 22 November 2014

92. Castle Park, Port Coquitlam

We made a plan for this cold, sunny Saturday afternoon - two playgrounds in a row!  One in Castle Park, the next one in Citadel Heights, right next door.  We hit Castle Park first - it has such a beautiful view over the Fraser River down below.  The playground was a bit big for Charlotte, though she really wanted to have a go on the see-saw.  A little boy of about Charlotte's age showed up with his parents and I suggested that she ask him to play with her.  She asked so nicely "Do you want to play on the see-saw with me?" - only she asked "Are you?" like she does.  The mum was all a-fluster - "Such nice asking!" but the little boy was a bit of a crybaby and didn't exactly rise to the occasion.  Charlotte was a little disappointed, so I suggested that maybe the see-saw wasn't his favourite part of the playground.  We walked over to Citadel Heights a block further up the hill, stopping to get a puzzle cache along the way, "Pet Shop Series #4".  It was a bit of a slog through the grass, and Charlotte wasn't much up for it, but we made it out in the end.  Citadel Heights was supposed to have a playground, but there was none to be found!  We found a little gravel area that looked like it may once have housed a playground - perhaps there used to be one here that was deemed too dangerous and was removed in favour of the new one at Castle Park.  The playground is located at N 49.13.925 W 122.46.821 and is point no. 92 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 16 November 2014

91. Sapperton Park, New Westminster

One cold afternoon, we headed to the playground across from the hospital where Charlotte was born.  She likes to hear that this was the place where she was born every time we go by!  There was another family there, and they were a little afraid of Theo at first, so I kept him close.  But eventually, the little girl got used to him and wanted to give him a pat.  The boy was a little harder to win round, but eventually, they were both fighting over who would be the next one to throw the stick for him!  I think Charlotte was quite proud that her dog was the centre of attention.  The playground itself wasn't really Charlotte-friendly as it was a bit too big for her though.  There is a geocache in the park called "Sapperton Park Rebirth" - we found it when Charlotte was just eight months old!  The playground is located at N 49.13.648 W122.53.714 and is point no. 91 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

90. Paulik Park, Richmond

Charlotte and I came here after daycare to get a geocache and hit the playground.  Only problem was it was dark by the time we got there!  She brandished the flashlight in the dark and announced that it was "fun" - but we never did find the cache.  We got spooked by a muggle who ended up walking with us to the playground along with his dog, Ronno.  The playground was much too big for Charlotte, it was freezing out and it was just a bit of a fail.  I went back the next day to nab the cache though - it was one of the City of Richmond GeoQuest caches and was quite easy to find in the daylight!  The playground is located at N 49.09.498 W123.07.287 and is point no. 90 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

89. Mundy Park, Coquitlam

This playground was much more Charlotte-sized!  It was also in the sun, which made me a little happier - not that it offered much warmth at all.  Charlotte had a great time on the twisty slides and we also checked out a wooden swing made by a woodworking class from a nearby high school.  There are lots of geocaches in this park, but the closest ones were either disabled or we had already found them.  Mundy Madness, my very first geocache ever is in this park.  It's still active and has been in place for over ten years now!  The park is located at N 49.15.208 W 122.50.103 and is point no. 89 on the map at the bottom of home page.

88. R.C. MacDonald Elementary School, Coquitlam

On Remembrance Day morning, Charlotte and I headed out to find ourselves a nice playground.  I thought there was a park up here, but we didn't come across it, unless the playground in the elementary school is what I had been thinking of all along.  It was about as cold as it gets in Vancouver and Charlotte was not in the best of moods over it - or maybe that was me.  The playground was nice in that it was hidden away in a  little grove of trees, but that kept away any warmth that the sun might have brought us.  The playground was designed for bigger kids and Charlotte just wasn't into it.  "It's too big!" she said - and so we went in search of a more Charlotte-friendly playground.  This was a bit of a dud, but at least we got another playground for our blog - time is ticking down!  There was a geocache about 100 metres away, but we were too cold to bother going to look for it.  The playground is located at N 49.14.684 W 122.49.322 and is point no. 88 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 9 November 2014

87. Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park

What a beautiful sunny day for an afternoon at the playground!  Only it wasn't a whole afternoon at the playground - it was much too cold for that.  The playground at Foreshore Park is designed like a boat, in keeping with its location on the river.  As Charlotte played, she was continually stopping to watch the tugboats going this way and that up the river.  She told me that she loved this playground and it really was just right for her.  I was freezing, but I managed to convince her to leave without a meltdown - by promising her a trip to the swimming pool!  There are lots of geocaches along the shoreline; the FFT series runs by here, though Charlotte and I have already found the ones near here.  The playground is located at N 49.11.510 W 122.59.911 and is point number 87 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

86. Garden City Park, Richmond

How is that we have gone almost all year without visiting this amazing playground so close to work and daycare?!?  The days are so short now that we did most of our playing in the dark, but it was still pretty amazing.  "I love this playground!" Charlotte announced as she headed yet again for the dodgy steps up to the super-long slide that wasn't too fast or too slow, but was just right.  She didn't like the steps at first and would make me hold her hand as she climbed them, then I would run down again to catch her at the bottom.  I was proud of her when she got brave enough to do them by herself, though I didn't get as much exercise out of it when that happened!  Charlotte doesn't like to be crowded when she's getting ready to go down the slide, so when two older boys were jostling her at the top, I asked them to wait until she had gone down.  She was half-way down when they came barrelling down behind her, knocking into her and sending her flying.  She was quite upset and cried hard, but she was more surprised than anything.  That didn't stop me from angrily telling the boys that I had asked them to wait.  At least the parents came rushing up and apologized to us and dealt with their kids.
Charlotte and I went off to explore other parts of the playground while she recovered from her little trauma; it's made from natural materials for the most part and is pretty amazing.  There is a giant crowsnest in the middle of the playground with several ways up, none of which Charlotte is ready for yet.  When she is, my heart will be in my throat as it's very tall and designed to be challenging for sure.  She recovered from her incident on the slide and was soon back at it again.  It was all I could do to tear her away to go home for dinner and the geocache that was hidden nearby was completely out of the question!  I ended up going back the next day during my lunch break to find "CoRGQ #18 - Trees Galore".  A new challenge to take up - the Richmond GeoQuest!  The playground is located at N 49.09.917 W 123.07.363 and is point #86 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 1 November 2014

85. Delamont Park, Vancouver

What a beautiful day! It was so sunny and warm, but we had lots of things to do, so we got an early start on the day so that we could get it all done and still have lots of time to play outside. I had a little shopping that I wanted to do in Kits, so we parked near Delamont Park so that we could nab a geocache and a playground at the same time. I had looked for the cache, "Historic Kitsilano" before, but had been unable to find it. That was back when it was hanging in a tree and I was looking in the dark - but by now, the cache has been moved to a much more cacher-friendly location and was soon in hand. Charlotte had a great time climbing on the little Jeep structure then sliding down again all by herself. It was a nice little neighbourhood park with lots of kids playing and lots of dogs passing through with their owners. Some of them paused to gnaw at a smashed pumpkin left over from last night! As we headed down to the shops, we cut along the old railway track to get there. I believe there is only one line in the area, so this must be the one that they wanting to put back into service again. I guess they had always maintained the right to do so, but the line sure is close to the houses and the playground! After finishing our shopping and having some lunch, we headed back to the car, passing through the playground once again. Charlotte had one more go on the slide before we were off to see Paula and Gabi - to make up for missing the birthday party last week! The playground is located at N 49.15.948 W 123.09.143 and is point no. 85 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

84. Blundell Elementary School, Richmond

It wasn't raining after daycare today, so we went to check out a playground that I had recently noticed while taking Theo for a lunch-time walk.  Although it's an elementary school playground, it didn't seem to be too much for Charlotte.  Until we got there, that is...

The playground is quite old school and Charlotte banged her face just a few minutes after we arrived while trying to climb a ladder - a ladder that had an overhanging piece of wood at the top that made it hard to climb over.  I cheered her up and helped her try again - she had fun on the slide, but she was done with climbing.  She had a go on the swings and we hung out in the little playhouse and warmed our hands - and that was all she was up for.  The playground is located at N 49.09.262 W 123.09.158 and is point no. 85 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 26 October 2014

83. Carleton Park, Vancouver

I am officially out of the running for mum-o'-the-year after today's fiasco. I pumped Charlotte full of birthday party excitement and we headed off to Gabi's fourth birthday party. I promised Charlotte kids, games, fun and birthday cake. We were running a few minutes late – yet I was able to pull up directly in front of the house and there were hardly any other cars on the street... That was the moment I realized with a sinking feeling that we were not just a few minutes late but 24 hours and a few minutes late. Charlotte had fallen asleep by the time we got there and Gabi and her family were out, so I pulled away, intent on finding a playground that was so much fun that Charlotte would forget all about the delights that I had promised her...  Carleton Park seemed to fit the bill - it had a playground and a geocache, both of which would make the birthday party fade away in Charlotte's mind.  It actually seemed to work at first, though the fact that we couldn't find "ABC" made things a little more difficult.  We did a little climbing, but Charlotte soon announced that she didn't like this playground because it was "too big".  The photo of her here is not "Look mum, no hands," but "This is too cold to hang on to!"  And so she asked when we were going to the birthday party...  I sheepishly explained my mistake, and brightly suggested a Pirate Pak at White Spot instead.  Luckily for me, she bought it.  The playground is located at N 49.14.515 W 123.01.853 and is point no. 83 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 25 October 2014

82. Million Smiles Playground, Lynden City Park, Washington

Charlotte and I planned a trip to Lynden, Washington today so that we could attend a geocaching event, “The Ice Scream Man”. Before we went, I googled “best playground in Lynden” and the Million Smiles Playground in City Park immediately popped up. The pictures were amazing and this playground was clearly going to give John Storvik a run for its money!

Unfortunately, the weather was terrible all day. At least it was “just rain” when we were at the playground – as opposed to a “torrential downpour” while we were at the event. Charlotte got kitted out in her Muddy Buddies for the first time this season and we went to check out the playground.

It was very similar in design to John Storvik, though this one was much more commercialized with a little row of playshops for the little ones to play in – each one prominently displaying the name of a local sponsor. I wasn't too thrilled with the commercialism and the wet weather swayed my judgment a bit too, but even so, I think this one wins out over John Storvik because of the amazing three-storey playhouse. We climbed up to a very dark little playhouse – which lit up as soon as we got close to the top and made the place very cozy. It was entirely closed in and made for a great little spot to hang out. There was a twisty slide from almost the very top that was just a black hole – Charlotte refused to go down it – and refused to let me go down it either!

The park itself is lovely, situated on the banks of Fishtrap Creek. We will definitely have to come back here and make a day of it when the days are longer and the weather is nice again. There are a couple of puzzle caches nearby that we will need to work on too! The playground is located at N 48.56.963 and is point no. 82 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 19 October 2014

81. Norquay Park, Burnaby

I knew there was a park around here somewhere...  We drove along Kingsway until we spotted it - "There's a playground, there's a playground!" cried Charlotte.  As soon as we arrived, one of the kids asked Charlotte if she wanted to play hide-and-seek with him.  Of course she did!  Unfortunately, she wanted me along at all times while she did her seeking, but I did manage to hang back a little bit.  The kid really latched on to her and they built sandcastles together for a bit too.  Charlotte had a lot of fun on the slide and was able to do without me for quite a while to climb and slide with the other kids.  She needed my help for balancing and jumping off things though - and then it was time to go.  Oh the tears!  She melts down so rarely now when it's time to leave the playground, but this one was epic and took a long time to subside.  Does she not know that the end of the year is quickly approaching and we still have 20 playgrounds left to visit?!?  She really needn't worry that we won't be back at a playground again very soon!  The park is located at N 49.14.266  W 123.03.069 and is point #81 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

80. Fedoruk-Kartner Park, Richmond

This is a strange little park; at first it didn't even seem to have a name, though it's listed on Google maps as Fedoruk-Kartner park. It appears on the map as a long, thin strip of green, barely wider than the trail to nowhere that extends the length of the park. We stopped off on our way home from daycare; it had been raining most of the day and we decided we would take advantage of a short sunny break to play.  We both did some climbing today – Charlotte insisted on it. Somehow I managed to bang up my recently-healed hip as I attempted the slide – the very same hip that has just had me in physio for over a year! I was very worried, but luckily it just seems to be bruised and nothing worse... We will have to come back here and hide a geocache in the nearby trees – this place was made for a geocache and I can't believe there isn't one here already! The park is located at N 49.10.320 W 123.02.142 and is point #80 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 12 October 2014

79. Redwood Park, Surrey

We went out to visit tío Gerardo, tía Gaby, Matías y Anna this weekend – we had asked them to take us to one or two of their favourite playgrounds in their area. We started off at Redwood Park – because it had the most geocaches in it and Matias was pretty excited to go find one! Charlotte had just woken up when we arrived at the park and was in need of some lunch, so we got off to a bit of a slow start, but once she got onto the merry-go-round, there was no stopping her! The kids all rode while the adults pushed, but we soon got pretty tired – or more to the point, we got dizzy!  Afterwards, we set off to find “Redwood Reading Room”, which was a nice big ammo can with lots of things in it, including some books. Matias was thrilled to have found it! Our plans to check out a second playground today fell through due to tired kids and iffy weather, but that just means that we will go back and play with our friends again one day soon! The playground is located at N 49.02.148 W 122.43.563 and is point #79 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 11 October 2014

78. Burns Park, Coquitlam

The weather this weekend was supposed to be terrible, so when the sun came out late this morning, Charlotte and I seized the opportunity to go out to play. We chose this playground because it's not too far from the Superstore, which we can save for when it starts to rain again! Everything at the playground was wet, but the damp weather was keeping other people away and Theo was able to roam while Charlotte played. She took on the “climbing mountain” repeatedly – up and down, with her shoes squeaking on the wet plastic with every step she took! We played on the balance steps and then we just sat on a dry patch of wood beneath a tree to watch the crows and squirrels playing on the grass. Charlotte was thrilled that if we were quiet, they would come closer to us and before we left, she left a little nut in a place where the squirrels would find it. The playground is located at N 49.14.539 W 122.52.561 and is point #78 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

77. Riverview Park, Vancouver

Our first post-daycare outing in quite some time! The days are noticeably shorter than they were last time we went out after daycare and fall is definitely in the air. We found “Another Marpole Hide” first; I was so proud of my girl who wanted to open the cache herself, then said “Please have the log book?” so that she could sign it herself. She is getting to be quite the little geocacher! We headed over to the playground and Charlotte met a little boy named Mason, who was just a little bit younger than her. They played a little bit and did a brilliant job of taking turns driving the train. I heard from Mason's dad about the new playground in Terra Nova that opened while we were on vacation and that everyone has been telling me about. I told him about John Storvik playground in Anacortes, but I'm not sure he's willing to make the trek! The playground is point #77 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Monday 6 October 2014

76. Lyndhurst Park, Burnaby

Charlotte and I went to claim my free Grand Slam at the nearby Denny's – I won't let my birthday go by without a delicious Denny's breakfast, even if I have to have it for dinner! We found a Harry Potter-themed cache hidden in a tree near the playground, “Floo Powder – Thanks for the Magic”, and then we headed over to play. It was already starting to get dark, I had a nasty cold and I still had to pack lunch for daycare tomorrow for the first time in a month – so we didn't stay for long. Still, Charlotte had a good time repeatedly climbing the ladder and sliding down the slide – all by herself, she would have you know. We had some tears when it was time to go, maybe because we only stayed such a short time.  It's been ages since she had a meltdown over leaving the playground. We don't have any pictures of this outing as I had left my camera in my jeans pocket – which I had changed out of following a sandy, muddy, wet outing to Barnston Island earlier today. The playground is point #76 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Sunday 5 October 2014

75. Myrtle Park, North Vancouver

We headed over to North Van today to see nana and grandad, but first we decided to check out a playground on this lovely fall day. Before we went to the playground, we tried to find the nearest geocache, Yertle the Myrtle Turtle, but our geo-senses were not sharp today and we couldn't come up with the goods. There are a couple of other caches in this large park, but Charlotte was ready to go to the playground by the time we gave up on Yertle. She had a good time here and managed a couple of new things. There was a curved ladder shaped like a roller coaster that she began to tackle and a “climbing mountain” that she managed to get up all by herself, using the little ledges for her hands and feet as she pulled herself up. She wanted me behind her because she climbed pretty high, but I was just there for reassurance and she didn't need my help at all. She also did a great job of balancing along a sort of net made out of chains – repeatedly!  Then she got her hands on my camera and she lost all interest in the playground - she seems to be quite the budding photographer these days!  We were having so much fun at the playground that I forgot to take a waypoint, but it's point no. 75 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 20 September 2014

74. Book Cliff Elementary School, Green River, Utah

After a busy day travelling from Colorado National Monument and exploring Arches National Park, we were ready to wind down for the day. We had a problem with one of the tent poles though, so while Pete tried to fix it, I took Charlotte to the playground of the local elementary school. I was unimpressed with the amount of garbage lying around, but it was a decent playground. There was a climbing structure that Charlotte really liked – it offered her just the right amount of challenge. She had difficulty with it at first, but was soon climbing it like a monkey and was ready to show off for dad when he came to collect us.
Latin music filled the air as we played and a delicious smell wafted on the breeze. We stopped on our way out of town to check it out and had our most delicious meal of the trip, quesadillas and tortillas done up on an outdoor grill. The cook didn't speak any English at all and relied on his bilingual “waitress” to help take orders. When she was busy, I used my Spanish – he did a double-take! There are only a handful of geocaches in the entire town and none very close by, but unknown to us at the time, an event cache had been held there earlier that day – in honour of Green River Watermelon Days! The playground is located at N 38.59.587 W 110.09.477. and is point no. 74 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

73. Dinosaur Playground, Dinosaur, Colorado

What an amazing playground in such a random place!  We had just crossed into Colorado from Utah when we needed to stop for gas.  Across the road from the gas station was a huge, colourful playground in this small, dry, dusty town.  It seemed very out-of-place, but because it looked awesome and because it was in a town called Dinosaur, we decided to stop for a closer look.  It was very tall - three storeys rather than just two!  It was a little much for Charlotte in places and even I was a little bit challenged by one of the climbs!
The grass was obviously watered often and was lush and green which made for a nice change from the arid landscapes we have been used to lately.  There was even a dinosaur-themed game to play - but of course there was in this playground in this town where all the streets are named after dinosaurs!  There was a cache called "We All Scream for Ice Cream" hidden not too far away, but it was on the other side of the chain link fence and I didn't bother with it.  Even though I didn't yet have a cache in Colorado!  The playground is located at and is point #73 on the map at the bottom of home page. 

Wednesday 10 September 2014

72. Alberta Park, Portland, Oregon

We were on the second day of our vacation, waiting for nearby Podnah's to open for lunch.  Pete was excited to have some barbecue, Charlotte was excited to play and I was excited to find the nearby geocache, "Another Name for Depression is Van Buren".  No, I don't understand the title either!  There were lots of kids at the playground, though most of them were older than Charlotte.  One woman had nine kids with her - nine!  Charlotte is into swinging on anything she can find these days, so that was her main amusement.  She loved the merry-go-round too - a really old school one that it would be possible to fall off!  She played with a couple of other kids and the adults all took it in turns doing the spinning.  When I was off-duty, I was practicing my juggling - haven't done that for a while and I'm a little out of practice!
We continued on our way shortly after Podnah's opened - Pete loved his lunch and I made the best of it with my trout - all of the trout, except for the eyes.  Just the sockets!  Charlotte played with my GPS and deleted the waypoint, but it's point #72 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Friday 29 August 2014

71. Memorial South Park, Vancouver

Brr!  It may still be August, but today, fall was in the air.  Maybe even winter!  This large park has several caches in it and I was hoping to cache the park out, but Charlotte only had it in her to get two before she wanted to hit the playground.  We cut across the playing field between the two caches, flushing out all the mosquitos that were hanging out in the wet grass.  They swarmed us!  We managed to shake them when we returned to the dead, brown, end-of-summer grass in the rest of the park.  There were a few kids playing on the playground with not a parent in sight - very refreshing!  They were a bit too old to want to play with Charlotte, but she had a good time anyway, digging in the sand and swinging off a bar as she's doing in the photo.  It was truly cold though, so I convinced her to come back to the car with me sooner rather than later - and we got back just as the skies opened and the rain began to pour.  The cache is located at N 49.13.836 W 123.05.158 and is point no. 71 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

70. Ross Park, Vancouver

We finally returned to Ross Park, the little park we discovered a few weeks ago but were swim diaper-less at the time. This time around, Charlotte was ready to go – but to our disappointment, the wading pool was bone dry. Still, there were tons of kids around as there were families having picnics, so it seemed like a fun place to go hang out for a while.  We got off to a slow start - all the kids were bigger and then Charlotte had a small meltdown when she wanted to play with the steering wheel but another kid was using it.  We had to have a discussion...  But eventually, she made some friends and ended up having a good time.  There was very little helicoptering going on here - the picnicking families seemed to be all related to each other and everything was very relaxed.  The really disappointing thing about this playground is how much garbage there was everywhere.  It was really quite disgusting - it was on the grass and it was on the sand around the playground itself.  I was thinking that if I ever organize a CITO, this is where it would be!  There are no geocaches in the park itself, but the "Entrance to Narnia" is just a few blocks to the north.  Sounds like an interesting one to go back for one day!  The playground is located at N 49.13.010 W 123.04.932 and is point no. 70 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 23 August 2014

69. Princess Park, North Vancouver

We had a great time in Princess Park today!  First, we took Theo for a walk and we came across a couple of other dogs playing in the creek.  Charlotte waded in the creek with them and I guess I knew it was an accident waiting to happen.  Sure enough, one of the dogs bowled her over and made her cry.  I got her dried off and changed and we headed off to find "Dangerous Daschunds".  We stopped to listen carefully to see what we could hear in the woods - and we came up with a woodpecker!  We got our cache and then went to the playground to play for a while.  We had such a good time that we came back again the next day with dad and found another geocache, "Princess Poisson" and had another play.  The playground is located at N 49.20.456 W 123.03.365 and is point no. 69 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Thursday 21 August 2014

68. Lynn Valley Elementary, North Vancouver

We are staying in North Van these days while nana and grandad are away, so this evening we hit one of the playgrounds near their house.  This was the elementary school that both my brothers attended, but it's a lot different now than it was back then.  The building that used to house the school is now the North Shore Archives and a brand new building has been built beside it for the school.  There are two playgrounds and both of them are a little bit big for Charlotte as they are meant for elementary school kids, but she still had a great time climbing and exploring.
There were a few big kids playing and Charlotte tried doing what they were doing.  She even managed to keep her owlie clips in her hair and the hair out of her eyes - all in the name of being a big girl!  The playground is located at N 49.20.311 W 123.02.228 and is point no. 68 on the map at the bottom of home page. 

Friday 15 August 2014

67. City Park, Edmonds, Washington

Our second playground today!  We headed to City Park with our friends, The ClueFinders.  Yes, of course they have real names, but we call our geocaching buddies by the handle chosen for them by their daughter - back when she thought geocaching was cool!  The ClueFinders live nearby and there is a cache near the playground that Mr. ClueFinders has been having some trouble with called "Table of Peace".  We went to see if we could help him cross it off his DNF list, climbing all over the picnic tables in search of a cache hidden in the rafters of the shelter above.  This was a little bit awkward given the fact that I have been trying to teach Charlotte some table manners lately!  In the end, it was Mrs. ClueFinders who came through, finding a tiny cache hidden in a piece of fake gum.  With the cache found, we headed over to the playground for a bit.  Mrs. ClueFinders walked home while Mr. ClueFinders proved to be great fun at the playground.  We had a good play before finally heading back to ClueFinder HQ for some dinner - and lots of geocaching conversation!  The playground is located at N 47.48.343 W 122.22.944 and is point no. 67 on the map at the bottom of home page.

66. Edgewater Park, Mt. Vernon, Washington

It’s that time of year again – time to head down to Seattle for the annual Groundspeak block party! I took Friday off work so that we could take our time getting down there and we stopped about half-way in Mt. Vernon so that Charlotte could stretch her legs and have a play. There was a cache in the trees just a few metres away called “Fish On!”; we looked for it, but couldn’t immediately find it, so we moved on to the playground. Charlotte was anxious to get climbing and besides, there was a bit of a dodgy guy hanging out nearby.  We eventually spoke to him a little; he just got in from Alaska a week prior and it sounded a lot like he didn't have anywhere else to go.
Charlotte was on her own at the playground at first, but then another family showed up.  Charlote ran to say hi to the kids, but they were steadfast in their refusal to have anything whatsoever to do with her.  Eventually another family arrived and clearly they had agreed to meet there.  The kids played together, but still no one even made eye contact with Charlotte, despite her efforts to talk to them.  The parents all looked through her like she didn't exist.  The whole situation became more and more bizarre as I noticed that there was no noise whatsoever coming from the playground - the kids all played in absolute silence.  It was completely surreal and made me want to say something to the parents who had so instilled the "stranger danger" attitude in their kids that they couldn't even play with a two-year-old at the park.  But what could I possibly have said to make any difference?  Time to continue on to Seattle - and as we got back into the car, we waved to our new friend from Alaska - the dodgy guy who turned out to be the friendliest guy at the park.  The playground is located at N 48.25.232   W 122.20.518 and is point no. 66 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

65. Thunderbird Park, Vancouver

The very top of this playground structure is visible from 1st Avenue if you happen to be stuck at a traffic light, waiting to turn onto Highway 1. Since we almost always seem to hit this light on our way to North Van from Richmond, we have had plenty of opportunity to notice the playground and finally today we had our opportunity to go and play on it! It was a bit of a grey day, the kind of day that suggests that summer might not last forever. A couple of kids were playing there while their uncle sat on the wobbly bridge with his face so far forward over his device and his cap so far forward over his face that I never did really see him. I may complain about helicopter parents sometimes, but this uncle had clearly never heard of the term!
Charlotte had fun playing with five-year-old Jeremy and nine-year-old Angel. Angel seemed to take to me too – I had the feeling that she might not have a lot of adults in her life who cared about what she had to say and she seemed very happy to be able to have a conversation with me and to be listened to. We ended up staying much longer than I had intended given that we still had groceries to buy for the upcoming week! The playground is located at N 49.16.096  W 123.01.735 and is point no. 65 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 9 August 2014

64. Harris Park, Pitt Meadows

This playground is easily visible from Lougheed Highway as it passes through Pitt Meadows, so I had it up my sleeve if we were ever out this way and needed a playground. It has a spray park and even an outdoor pool, so it was packed on this hot summer day. It wasn’t very Theo-friendly for this reason and poor Theo had to hang out under a tree and keep a low profile while Charlotte played.  We had a delicious picnic lunch and then Charlotte headed off to play. She met a couple of older girls who were really nice to her, engaging with her and playing tag with her. She gleefully chased them back and forth across the wobbly bridge while they played along with her until they had to go. It was really sweet and made a change from our usual solitary playground adventures!
Charlotte checked out the spray park, but this really isn’t her thing yet – maybe next year she will be into it more.  There is a geocache nearby called “Pitt Meadows Info Centre”; I had found it quite some time before, but I didn't have the coordinates on hand to find it with Charlotte.  The playground is point no. 64 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

63. Maywood Community School, Burnaby

Today, we discovered a great little park with a wading pool that would have been perfect for this hot afternoon. I started getting us out of the car, but realized that Charlotte's swim diaper, which is usually under the stroller, had been left at home. Poor Charlotte was so disappointed, but I promised her a different playground instead. It took her a while to get over her disappointment, but when we finally found the playground at Maywood Community School, she was finally over it for good. There were lots of things to explore here; she even did a little rock climbing, though it was a little bit much for her for now. A couple of other kids came by after a while, but they were with their dad and he kept them pretty occupied. Charlotte was a little disappointed, but what else is new? I'm so tired of these parents who don't allow their kids to just play and to learn social skills on the playground. I can't understand how they fail to see how abnormal it is.  Charlotte still managed to have a good time, though it wasn't my favourite playground; there was a fair amount of garbage around and it just had a bit of a dodgy vibe altogether. I didn't have a working GPS at the time we visited, so don't have the co-ordinates for the playground, but it's no. 63 on the map at the bottom of home page.

Saturday 2 August 2014

62. Meadowood Park, Burnaby

With another blazing hot day ahead of us, we hit today's playground early.  We picked this small neighbourhood park in Burnaby because it had a cache in it.  We were in the shade at first, so Charlotte played happily; the little picnic table inside the smaller climbing frame was a nice touch.  Theo had a good time here too as he was able to climb part of the way up the big climbing frame, returning Charlotte's hat to her when she dropped it overboard!  We went to look for the cache afterwards, "Meadowood Park".  It was a little bit off-trail and so we left the stroller behind and started looking.  It was just the right amount of off-roading and climbing over things for a two-year-old explorer!  We found the cache without too much difficulty, then played some more before the heat sent us back into our air-conditioned car.  The playground is located at N 49.15.812 W 122.56.004 as is point no. 62 on the map at the bottom of home page.